Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Trip to the VOLTA region

The tro tro ride up

So 2 weekends ago, Krystal, Andrew, and I went with Survivah up to the Volta region. Volta is the most mountainous region in Ghana, and is the border land between Ghana and Togo. The trees and mountains are beautiful, and we had a great time, hiking and settling into village life. We stayed with Survivah's cousin, Naked, who was extremely welcoming. From just kickin it in the shade, listening to church music next door, to learning how to cook Ghanaian cuisine, it was a great trip.

beautiful plumeria tree. called "forget me nots" here

Lake volta, one of the worlds largest man made lakes. Its still growing, and its waters still claim farmers fields every rainy season

Approaching the lake...

 Hangin out in da mango tree!

 You can see the dead trees marking how high the water rose this year alone. Rising water is a big problem, as it displaces many ewe people who lived on the land for generations;

These are Naked's younger siblings, playing a local game. They tried to teach me, but I was totally incapable.

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