Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Busua Beach 25-27 March

 A group of friends and I decided to take a trip up to the fabled Busua Beach, in search of waves, decent surf boards, and burritos. The cramped tro-tro ride to Busua took about 5 hours, as the beach is in the far western region, about 30 miles from the border of Cote D'ivoire. The beach is surrounded by a small town, and boasts the only REAL surf shop in Ghana. The "Black Star Surf Shop" was little more than a small room filled with surfboards, but it was attached to the DELICIOUS "Black Star Restaurant," which served the only Burritos in Ghana. And I ate my fill. And got my surf. And it was AWESOME.

Most of these EPIC photos were taken by Erin, and infact, all of them are from her fancy camera. Thanks Erin!

Ginger catchin the first wave in Ghana

 'I swear I wasn't posing!

 Im not sure what im doing in this one... picking my nose or something. Erins always getting them candid shots

 A Ghanaian braddah who works at the Black Star. He shreds the gnar!

 Waitin for our pancakes...

 We had breakfast at Frank the Pancake mans shop. He cooked eggs and banana pancakes for all of us on a single hot plate. It took him an hour and a half, but it was delicious!
 Found some really beautiful shells, along with a piece of what I think is a China plate, some really old perfume bottle glass, and a slipper.

                 The Black Star Surf Shop

 Just dealin some crack across international boarders.

We had delicious fresh lobster, which we just HAD to share with our kitten friend. We called her Cali.
 I AM the ObRoNi prophet

                         And now the most recent edition of the beard diaries...

So I apologize to anyone I might have offended with this photo, but I felt that I needed to have proof when I made the claim that there are a large number of phallic carvings in Ghana. This just happened to be the biggest one that I have found.

It is now Thursday morning 4:50 am, and I am getting ready to go on a field trip for my wild life management class. We are meeting the bus at 5:30 to begin our 20ish hour bus ride up north to Mole national park. I decided to stay up all night tonight because I had my telephone interview with HYCC at 1 am, and hey, the internet is WAY faster when everyone is asleep. Sleep is for busses. Much Love and Aloha,
Kofi Chase

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