Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cape Coast

The view from the cape coast castle, a slave castle owned by the Dutch, Portuguese, and British.

The castle had a very powerful, dark energy about it. 

This was our first view of the beach in Cape Coast town. Tons of trash and pigs wallowing in the filth. It turned us off at first, but then we met some kids playing on the beach.

It was very beautiful, and even had a Mediterranean feel. Lots of old british architecture, and beautiful fishing villages

We ended up playing soccer on the beach with some kids I met. It was awesome. Every minute, 5 more kids would come out onto the beach to play/wrestle/ and swim with us. Despite the trash and pigs, etc, This was one of the most fun, fulfilling, happy experiences Ive had in Ghana so far. It was AWESOME.

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